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Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year.


New Year is a funny time. It feels so different, so unique from any other time in the year. The time for change. To change old habits or a time to start new hobbies. Everything feels new, fresh and possibilities seem endless, but although the festive season has come to an end, the only difference is that by now all the Christmas decorations have been taken down and instead of indulging on mince pies and chocolates you are left with a big bowl of colourful sweet wrappers and the odd toffee, nobody ever seems to want. Nonetheless, New Year is the time, we all choose to focus on what we feel needs changing in our lives and set out making a list of New Year's Resolutions... and 2015 is no different!

This year my resolutions are to live in the moment, to enjoy things as they happen, rather than focusing so much on future events and what may or may not happen. Also to not spend all of my time looking at life through a screen, whether that be checking my email or social media 20x more than I need to or seeming to only experience things through the photos I took instead of experiencing them in the moment.

Second of all, I want to concentrate on being me. Now this may seem really silly, but I want to make sure I continue to be true to myself and do the things that I love. With this I want to learn to play at least one song a month on my guitar, ukulele and keyboard. I really love music... listening to it, singing along to it and trying playing it. I've always had the opportunity to learn how to play all three of these instruments, but have never practised seriously enough, to be any good, so this year, I want to improve this. Wish me luck!

There are probably many more things I could list here, but I shall leave it to these for the time being. I'm excited to find out what 2015 has to offer, I hope you all are too! I wish you all, the happiest of years and hope that you all live it to the max and create so many memories that you can look back on next year and the year after that with the biggest smile on your face, knowing you had the times of your lives!

So, here's to 2015!

Live, Laugh, love,
Karen Eleanor xXx

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