Thank you for stopping by and showing an interest in what I have to say. This means more to me than anyone will ever know. So, why did I create this blog? Well, it is a long story, but I shall try to keep it short here, for I don't want to bore you or waste any of your time.
For as long as I can remember I have struggled with body image and weight, but this isn't something I have openly spoken about to anybody, until about a year and a half ago.
In 2014, I made the decision to change my life. I gave myself three months to eat well (NOT diet) and lead an active lifestyle. I made a deal with myself, that if by the end of these three months I hadn't noticed any difference mentally, emotionally or physically, I could stop and carry on as I always have. BUT if I did notice an improvement in my wellbeing, I would continue to live this new, healthy lifestyle.
At the end of these three months, of course I noticed a difference. I had lost weight (2 stone), I had more confidence and I was smiling because I was happy.
For the first time, I achieved something I had set out to do. Not for anybody else, but for me and this was a huge achievement and something I will be forever grateful and proud to say I have done!
All-in-all I have lost five and a half stone from my known heaviest, but that doesn't even matter now. Although, I have lost a lot, I have gained so much more. I joined the gym in 2015, something I had always wanted to do, but ironically, never thought I could and since then have a new found love for Spinning and go to a class 3x a week and have realised my love for all things yoga and pilates. I have also been given the opportunity to meet and talk to like-minded people who share my passion for fitness and continue to encourage me to shine!
This journey, may I add, was anything but easy. It was (and still is) a huge rollercoaster ride, with many up's and down's, but a journey, I wouldn't change for the world.
And, that is the point of this blog. If I can at least help or inspire one person, by writing about my experiences, recipes I like, activities to try and ways that may help lead a healthier lifestyle, everything I've been through would be worth it to see someone else smile with the confidence and happiness they deserve.
Live, laugh, love,
Karen Eleanor.
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