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Sunday, 11 January 2015

6 Ways To Kickstart The New You:


For many, the idea of 'New Years Resolutions' are now being described as 'useless' or 'pointless' and no doubt have been pushed to one side along with the statement "They never work anyway!". Even though, this time last week, it was all anyone could think about! Now, I hope this isn't the case at all and you are all feeling happy, confident and amazed at how easy you are progressing towards your goals, but I know for a lot of people, it can be difficult to know how to start, especially if those resolutions were focused around 'change'. Either, to lose weight, become fitter, be more confident, etc. 

I always feel that on the first of January, you're raring to go, maybe you've bought all the food you need for your new chosen eating plan or bought all new workout clothes for the gym, but now, you're feeling bored, unmotivated to keep going or simply cannot get into a routine. I think the problem is that we believe it has to be all or nothing and this is when we start to see cracks in our plans. If you start by making small changes, these will mount up and you'll soon see the changes or results you've been wanting. 

I hope these tips below will help motivate you to be the best version of you this year, whatever your goal!

Feed Your Soul:

Now that the festive season has come to an end, its likely you'll be feeling a bit sluggish due to over indulging in all the lovely, rich foods, so now it is time to detox. No, I don't mean you need to drink vegetable juices for the next three days straight, I'm talking about introducing clean foods into your diet once again to give your body the nutirients it needs to feel fit and well.

This can be as simple as choosing to have a side salad with your sandwich at lunchtime or snacking on fruit/veg or a handful of nuts as a mid afternoon pick-me-up, instead of reaching for the biscuit tin. More often than not, you're body will start to crave what it needs and you'll find this will happen when you introduce good, clean, healthy foods into your diet.

Now, this tip is called 'Feed Your Soul' and by this I mean, even if you are trying to lose a bit of weight, it is OK to eat something a bit more indulgent every now and again, say once a week. Choose a day, say a Friday, and as long as you are eating relatively healthy during the week, go ahead and treat yourself to that slice of cake or cheese burger you have been craving.

By doing this, allowing yourself to have a treat, you'll feel happier and feel its easier to keep on track!

Drink To Your Health:

I'm sure by now you're aware of the many benefits of drinking water. By drinking enough water, not only will you feel better, it helps to flush out toxins from your body and boosts your immune system helping you fight off viruses like cold's and the flu.

Water also helps improve your complexion, hydrating the skin, helping it remain fresh, soft and creating that youthful glow. No need for anti-aging creams!

Water is also known to be a good cure for headaches, as these are usually a sign of dehydration. It isn't just water that you can drink, green and herbal tea's are also a good option. Green tea (as well as water) has been said to aid in weight loss too!

Drinking enough fluid will keep your body functioning at its best, allowing you to stay healthy, happy and hydrated!

Clear The Cobwebs:

Take time out! Christmas and New Year can be a lot more stressful than any other time of year, so make sure you allow quality time for yourself. This doesn't have to mean you take a week's holiday from work and book into a spa (although if you really want to, go ahead) just allow yourself maybe 10 minutes a day to do something you enjoy. 

Take time to relax by running a bath with lots of bubbles. Read a book. Spring clean your bedroom (not one of the most relaxing activities, but it can be very therapeutic). Enjoy a hot drink while watching your favourite film. 

Whatever you decide, give yourself the time and space to reflect on the year that's passed and to think about your goals and things you'd like to achieve in the year to come.  

Dance To Your Own Beat:

Exercise can improve your mood in seconds! The feeling you get after exercise, should be encouragement enough to get you up and moving. The great thing is, you don't need to be doing a number of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or heavy weight lifting exercises to feel the benefits; all you need to do is move. Simple as that.

Favourite song comes on the radio? Get up and dance! Just go for it and literally, dance like nobody's watching. I promise you, your mood will instantly improve and you'll feel happy, energised and feel ready to take on the rest of the day.

Have a pet dog or live near the countryside or the beach? Go for a walk. It doesn't have to be long, just 10 minutes will give you that boost. The trick to enjoying exercise and making it part of your everyday lifestyle is to do something you enjoy whether that be swimming, walking or joining a Zumba class. Do what makes you happy. Enjoy what makes you happy!

Style Yourself Confident:

For an instant confidence booster, wear one of your favourite things. Whether that be wearing that lip colour you think really suits you, painting your nails your favourite shade, or wearing your favourite go-to outfit. Wearing something you feel comfortable in, will make you seem and feel more confident without you even trying. 

Confidence is all about feeling comfortable and at ease, so the more you can help yourself feel this way, the better. Make sure you surround yourself with familiar things aswell as positive people who will make you feel better about yourself too.

Treat Yourself:

Go shopping! If you want to start making a difference to your lifestyle, then treat yourself to a new item. Maybe a new bag, top or that pair of jeans you've had your eye on for a while. It doesn't have to be an extravagant purchase, maybe treat yourself to a new pair of earring's or a bracelet you love... and what better time than when the sales are still on up and down the high street :)

Of course, you may already have been lucky enough to receive such a gift for Christmas, or maybe cannot afford to buy new things just yet, so why not customise something you already own and make it new again!

By doing this, you'll instantly feel different. You'll feel new. Hopefully, it'll give you the confidence you'll need to start setting your dreams in motion!

Live, Laugh, Love,
Karen Eleanor xXx

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